The journey of a budding polyglot

Category: The pursuit of fluency (Page 2 of 2)

A Hard Lesson Learned on my Pursuit to Fluency

I had so much anxiety, anticipation and excitement before I ventured off to Iceland for my third visit. Because I had only been studying for about 5 months, I expected that I would face some challenges with being able to communicate in the language when I arrived in the country. However, I wasn’t expecting that I would have an experience that would make me question if I should continue to learn Icelandic.

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No Sleep ‘Til Iceland

The countdown is on! There are only 6 days left until I return to the land of Fire and Ice, and I can hardly contain my excitement! This will be my second excursion to this winter wonderland while the holiday season is in full swing, and I have a feeling that this trip will be just as special as the last. This festive time is a joy to behold and I feel fortunate that I get to experience it again. I can just picture the brightly colored lights on people’s houses; the thick layer of ice that coats the sidewalks; and the little children happily waddling along in their puffy snow suits. The giddiness that tickles my soul has been accompanied by many other emotions. This whirlwind of feelings has inspired me to reflect on how much has changed in the last year and think about my expectations for this upcoming trip.

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3 Tips for Scheduling Language-Learning Time

As a working professional, whose job has nothing to do with acquiring a new language, it can be a challenge to schedule in language-learning time. In order for me to balance working, having a social life, being in a relationship, volunteering, learning a new language, and writing a blog – I had to get creative with my schedule.  Below are some simple tips that have helped me to successfully include language-learning into my life.

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Is that me talking?!

Have you ever opened your mouth to speak but didn’t recognize the voice coming out? This might sound like a plot line out of a science fiction thriller but it is a real life occurrence that has happened to me, and possibly many others, a few times since I started learning Icelandic.  When learning a language that has so many sounds and words that are not present in your native tongue, you will find yourself going through an adjustment period in which you are learning to become familiar with your new voice.  It is an exciting and fun time, but it is also a little unsettling to not recognize the sounds coming out of your own mouth!

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Hello, World!

Today is a special day not only because I am publishing my first blog post, but also because it is Dagur íslenskrar tungu (Icelandic Language Day)!  November 16th was chosen for Dagur íslenskrar tungu because it coincides with the birthday of the popular Icelandic poet Jónas Hallgrímsson.  As a new blogger on the topic of becoming a polyglot, I feel fortunate to kick off the chronicle of my journey on a day that celebrates the language that I am currently immersing myself in. In honor of my inaugural post on this special day, I would like to introduce myself and explain the purpose for starting this blog.

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